Campaña contra el "mobbing"Les informamos que se está lanzando, en la red, una nueva campaña de denuncia contra el mobbing, bajo el lema "HACER VISIBLE LO INVISIBLE"
En la siguiente dirección pueden ver el texto del manifiesto y adherirse a la campaña. Volver al principio de la información Volver al principio¡Avisad al Papa!César Año 1.981 1- El príncipe Carlos de Inglaterra se casó. Año 2.005 1- El príncipe Carlos de Inglaterra se casó. NOTA: Si algún año, al príncipe Carlos se le ocurre anunciar que piensa volver a casarse y el Liverpool se mete en la final de la Champions, no seáis malos y avisad al Papa. Volver al principio del aviso Volver al principioDesde la España profundaFuenteovejuna
Volver al principio de la España profunda Volver al principioPuesto de trabajo en la Purdue UniversityThe Department of Physics ( in the College of Science at Purdue University seeks outstanding candidates for a tenure-track faculty position in high energy astrophysics at any level. Candidates of exceptional merit in other areas will also be considered. High energy astrophysics has been identified as an area for growth by the department. The members of the Purdue high energy astrophysics group are playing a leading role in the construction of VERITAS, a next-generation TeV gamma-ray observatory, and in MOJAVE, a long-term AGN jet monitoring program with the VLBA. There is also an active program in X-ray astronomy. Current scientific interests include microquasars, AGN, pulsars, gamma-ray bursts, and unidentified gamma-ray sources. The successful candidate's research program should complement these research activities. Preference will be given to theorists in the present search, although qualified observers/experimentalists are also encouraged to apply. Applicants should hold a Ph.D. in astrophysics, astronomy, or a closely related discipline, be committed to excellence in teaching, and have demonstrated strong potential for excellence in research. Postdoctoral experience is also required. Salary and benefits are highly competitive. Applicants should submit their curriculum vitae, bibliography, and brief description of planned research program. Electronic submission is preferred: At least 3 letters of recommendation should be sent to High Energy Astrophysics Search, Department of Physics, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907-2036. Applications that are complete by December 15, 2005, will be assured of full consideration, although the search will continue until the position is filled. Purdue University is an Equal Opportunity/Equal Access/Affirmative Action employer and is committed to building a diverse faculty of excellence. Volver al principio del puesto de trabajo Volver al principio |