El libro de las madres.comNota de prensa (25 /10/06) http://www.ellibrodelasmadres.com Sanitas responde en Internet a las inquietudes de las madres primerizas. Sanitas ha puesto en marcha ellibrodelasmadres.com, una web que da respuesta a las principales inquietudes de las madres primerizas o futuras mamás. A través de ellibrodelasmadres.com un equipo médico experto en las diferentes disciplinas relacionadas con la maternidad responderá de manera personalizada y gratuita a las preguntas que realicen las internautas. El objetivo de Sanitas es crear el Libro de las Madres, elaborado con las preguntas más interesantes y significativas de las futuras madres y con las respuestas del equipo médico a dichas cuestiones. El Libro de las Madres se editará en formato electrónico, habilitando su descarga gratuita desde la misma web. Por otro lado, dichas respuestas serán publicadas en la web así como en el boletín semanal, también de suscripción gratuita, asegurando en todo momento el anonimato de las preguntas y respuestas publicadas. El contenido de la web es puramente orientativo. En ningún caso Sanitas pretende sustituir la realización de una consulta médica presencial, sino servir de apoyo y ayuda a las madres primerizas o futuras mamás. La campaña ha sido puesta en marcha por CP Proximity, agencia de marketing directo e interactivo con numerosos premios internacionales, como el último Gran Premio en Cannes por una pieza de Amnistía Internacional contra la pena de muerte. Contacto: Emilio Pila. CP proximity. Volver al principio de la nota de prensa Volver al principioTu media naranja te espera
ASOCIACIÓN PROTECTORA LA CAMADA. GUADALAJARA Volver al principio del anuncio Volver al principio¿Será verdad?Fuenteovejuna Cuando abran un paquete de cualquier alimento, pongan primero atención al contenido real del mismo. Pueden encontrarse con sorpresas como ésta:
Volver al principio de "¿Será verdad?" Volver al principioDesde la España profundaFuenteovejuna En esta ocasión les ofrecemos una copia de uno de los vales que circulaban por los frentes de la Guerra Civil Española. Volver al principio de "España profunda" Volver al principioPUESTOS DE TRABAJO
CCAPP Postdoctoral Fellows in Cosmology and AstroParticle Physics. The Ohio State UniversityThe Ohio State University Departments of Astronomy and Physics invite applications for CCAPP Postdoctoral Fellows as part of the OSU Initiative to establish the Center for Cosmology and AstroParticle Physics (CCAPP). A successful candidate should be able to carry out a vigorous independent research program in observational or theoretical cosmology and/or experimental or theoretical astroparticle physics interacting with CCAPP members and researchers at other institutions while utilizing extensive CCAPP resources and infrastructure, both experimental and theoretical (http://ccapp.mps.ohiostate.edu). Appointments will be for Regular (3 year) or LongTerm (5 year) Fellowships. LongTerm Fellows are expected to play a signi?cant role in the overall scienti?c direction of the CCAPP, and will be paid above postdoctoral level. Applications are due January 1, 2007 and should be sent to: Prof. Terry Walker, Director CCAPP, Applications should include a curriculum vita, a bibliography of publications, and a brief description of proposed research. The applicant should request 3 letters of reference to be sent as well. To build a diverse workforce Ohio State encourages applications from individuals with disabilities, minorities, veterans, and women. EEO/AA employer. Volver al principio de la oferta Volver al principio de "Puestos de trabajo" Volver al principioInternational Post-Doctoral FellowshipsThe Theoretical Astrophysics Group at the Arcetri Astrophysical Observatory (Florence, Italy) is expected to have one or two openings (subject to funding availability) for post-doctoral positions in High Energy Astrophysics. Applicants must have a Ph.D. or equivalent degree in Physics or Astronomy. The Arcetri Observatory is an exciting research environment with groups active in High Energy Astrophysics, Cosmology, Radio and X-ray Astronomy, Solar Physics, Plasma Physics and Star Formation (additional informations can be found at http://www.arcetri.astro.it). The selected candidates are expected to carry out their research activity in the context of the Theoretical High Energy Astrophysics Group, on one or more of the following topics: 1. Particle Acceleration at astrophysical sources 2. Origin and propagation of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays 3. Physics of compact objects and their surroundings (neutrons stars, black holes, supernova remnants) 4.Non-thermal activity during the formation of the Large Scale Structure of the Universe 5.Non-baryonic Dark Matter and related high energy phenomenology The fellowships are expected to have a duration of two years, subject to funding availability and evaluation of performance. The applicants should send (either electronically or via surface mail) a recent CV, a statement of research interests and a list of publications. They should also arrange for (at least) two letters of recommendation to be sent by email to or mailed to: Dr. Pasquale BLASI INAF/Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri Largo E. Fermi phone: +39 055 2752 297 fax: +39 055 220039 e-mail: blasi@arcetri.astro.it The applications should be received by December 15, 2006. The starting date will be as early as possible in 2007. Volver al principio de la oferta Volver al principio de "Puestos de trabajo" Volver al principioPost-doctoral fellow: Kernfysisch Versneller Instituut of the University of GroningenThe Kernfysisch Versneller Instituut of the University of Groningen, participates in the Netherlands programme in the field of astroparticle physics (http://www.astroparticlephysics.nl). One research line focuses on the use of the LOFAR phased-array telescope (http://www.lofar.org) which is presently under construction by ASTRON in the Netherlands. LOFAR will become operational this year while initial measurements are presently being performed with the nearby Westerbork Radio Synthesis Telescope. Within this research line the radio telescopes will be used to measure weak signals originating from the impact of ultra-high energy cosmic rays or neutrinos on the surface of the Moon. After filtering, the data will be transported through optical fibres to the Stella supercomputer of the University of Groningen. Another line of research requires the development, deployment, and use of radio antennas at the Pierre Auger Observatory (http://www.auger.org) in the province of Mendoza in Argentina. This observatory is the largest detector in the world designed for the detection of ultra-high energy cosmic rays hitting the atmosphere of the Earth. To reduce the data stream from the antenna receiver units, in both cases we will need fast digital signal processing and data-filtering near the front-end of the antenna. For the Auger Observatory we will deploy in close collaboration with industrial partners wireless data transmission, optimised for low power consumption and usable in a harsh environment. The R&D for radio detection at Auger is being performed within an international collaboration which is coordinated by KVI. For the optimisation of digital filtering techniques and low-power wireless transmission as well as the interpretation of initial data obtained with these radio detectors, the KVI is searching for a POST-DOCTORAL FELLOW The candidate should have a strong background in the development and application of fast digital techniques and associated electronics. Candidates should have a PhD in physics or a closely
related area. In view of the international and multi-disciplinary setting of the
programme, excellent communication skills are required. The research will be performed in
close collaboration with industrial partners. The post-doc position is offered for a
period of 1.5 years. It is expected that the candidate will qualify and apply for a VENI
scholarship as offered by the Dutch National Research Foundation NWO. If successful, such
a scholarship will allow a 3-year longer stay at KVI, and enhance the applicants
scientific status, which will increase the chances to obtain a more permanent position at
one of the institutes and/or universities in the Netherlands (see www.nwo.nl/subsidiewijzer.nsf/ Information on the project can be obtained from: Please send your application, together with
three references before December 15th , 2006 to the following address:
Volver al principio de la oferta Volver al principio de "Puestos de trabajo" Volver al principioPosition for an experienced Particle Physicist at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Physics DivisionThe Physics Division at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) has a position for an experienced Particle Physicist. The position involves working half-time with the Particle Data Group (PDG) and half-time conducting research in a Physics Division experiment (such as ATLAS, SNAP, ILC, neutrinos or CMB) or the Theory Group. The position may be either a term or career position, depending on seniority. A term appointment would be converted to a career position contingent upon demonstrated effectiveness in PDG responsibilities and in particle physics research. The applicant will be expected to play an important role in the Physics Division's research program. An outstanding capability in experimental or theoretical research is required. Theory applicants should have worked closely with experimentalists. The candidate should be qualified to take a leadership role in the PDG at a future time. The applicant must have sufficient experience (equivalent to at least four years of postdoctoral work) in particle physics to have a very broad overview of the field, a critical eye for both scientific and editorial work, and an ability to organize and summarize information. Excellent writing and editing skills are required. The individual must be able to work effectively in a team environment. Deadline for applications is November 30, 2006, but later applications may be accepted while the search remains active. A letter of application, a curriculum vitae, and the names and email addresses of three potential references should be submitted through the following website: Questions (but not applications) may be sent to JBeringer@LBL.gov; please refer to: Job #019501 in the email. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory is an equal opportunity employer committed to the development of a diverse workplace. We are located in the hills above the UC Berkeley Campus. We offer competitive salaries and an outstanding benefits package. For further information on the Lab and benefits please visit our website at Volver al principio de la oferta Volver al principio de "Puestos de trabajo" Volver al principioPostdoctoral position on IceCube at Penn StateThe IceCube group at Penn State invites applications for one or more postdoctoral research positions in experimental particle astrophysics. The full version of the ad may be found at either of the websites below, and a copy of the text is appended. http://www.ice.phys.psu.edu/index.htm https://share.pass.psu.edu/dfc13/ Postdoctoral Positions in Experimental Particle Astrophysics The Particle Astrophysics group at the Pennsylvania State University invites applications for one or more postdoctoral research positions. The group plays a leading role in the construction and analysis of data from the IceCube neutrino telescope, located at the South Pole. Continuing deployment of IceCube sensors over the next several years will make IceCube the first cubic kilometer scale neutrino telescope in the world. For more info, see http://www.ice.phys.psu.edu or the official IceCube experiment website at http://icecube.wisc.edu. The Penn State group is also involved in R&D for a wide-field TeV gamma ray telescope and for a radio detector of ultrahigh energy neutrinos. Successful candidates would have the opportunity to contribute to either of these efforts. Penn State also features active research groups in ultrahigh energy cosmic rays, high energy astrophysics theory, gravitational wave detection, and gamma ray bursts. Applications will be considered from Ph.D. physicists and astronomers with strong backgrounds in particle astrophysics, particle physics, cosmic-ray physics, and related fields. Experience with object-oriented software and a willingness to travel to the South Pole for several weeks per year are preferred. Applicants should submit a brief letter of application, a curriculum vitae, and arrange to have three letters of recommendation sent to: Prof. Tyce DeYoung For additional information, please send e-mail to deyoung@phys.psu.edu The Pennsylvania State University is committed to affirmative action, equal opportunity, and the diversity of its workforce. Volver al principio de la oferta Volver al principio de "Puestos de trabajo" Volver al principioPhD student Aero-acoustic Coupling in Combustion Instabilities (V34.277) at the Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, Department of Applied Physicshttp://vacatures.tue.nl/web/ The Department of Applied Physics at the Eindhoven University of Technology has 25 professorial chairs with about 65 academic and 60 technical specialists, as well as 110 graduate and 375 undergraduate students. The leading research themes cover functional materials, gas and fluid dynamics, and plasma and radiation physics. The department has extensive national and international partnerships, including industrial partners. It participates in several national (top) research schools, and in the national top technology institute for polymers, the Dutch Polymer Institute.The Eindhoven University of Technology is one of the three participants in the Dutch 3TU Federation of Universities of Technology. Tasks Research: Gas flow in complex pipe manifolds as used in furnaces of steel plants can display spectacular and dangerous self-sustained oscillations. Similar instabilities in central heating systems can produce an unacceptable noise level. The European Marie Curie Early Stage Training project "Aether" (Aero-acoustical and Thermo-acoustical Coupling in Energy Processes) aims at the development of methods for the prediction and prevention of such instabilities. The Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (http://www.fluid.tue.nl/) of TU/e is responsible for the modeling of processes involving vortex shedding and associated unsteady heat transfer in the gas supply or exhaust systems of the plants. Vortex shedding can drive oscillations similar to the whistling of flue organ pipes. Vortex shedding at perforated liners can however also be used as a powerful sound absorption mechanism. Our main goal is the development of theoretical models for prediction of such flow instabilities and for the design of robust silencers. When possible analytical models will be used and the range of validity of these models will be explored by means of experiments in generic systems. Requirements We seek for enthusiastic candidates with a Master degree in Physics, Aeronautical, Mechanical, Civil Engineering or equivalent. Experience in Applied Fluid Dynamics or/and Acoustics is a significant advantage. The Aether project is in the framework of the European Commission FP6 program, which means that a number of eligibility criteria must be strictly fulfilled: - The early-stage researcher must have less than 4 years research experience and must not have a PhD degree; - The researcher shall not be a Dutch national and may not have resided in The Netherlands more than 1 year in the last 3 years. The recruitment procedure does strictly comply with ethical standards described in the Code of Conduct for Recruitment of Researchers (http://europa.eu.int/eracareers/europeancharter). Women are especially encouraged to apply. Appointment and Salary A full-time employment for 4 years, with an intermediate evaluation after 1 year.A salary of 1933 per month (gross) in the first year, increasing to 2472 per month (gross) in the fourth year.Attractive secondary labour conditions Information For more information, please contact Application Your application letter with extended curriculum vitae should be send to You can apply for this job before 08-12-2006 Volver al principio de la oferta Volver al principio de "Puestos de trabajo" Volver al principio |