El árbol de los problemasFuenteovejuna Un carpintero que había contratado para ayudarme a reparar un viejo granero, acababa de finalizar un duro primer día de trabajo. Su sierra eléctrica se estropeó y le hizo perder una hora de trabajo y después su antiguo camión se negó a arrancar. Mientras lo llevaba a casa, se sentó en silencio. Una vez que llegamos, me invitó a conocer a su familia. Mientras nos dirigíamos a la puerta, se detuvo brevemente frente a un pequeño árbol, tocando las puntas de las ramas con ambas manos. Cuando se abrió la puerta, ocurrió una sorprendente transformación. Su bronceada cara estaba plena de sonrisas. Abrazó a sus dos pequeños hijos y le dio un beso a su esposa. Posteriormente me acompañó hasta el coche. Cuando pasamos cerca del árbol, sentí curiosidad y le pregunté acerca de lo que lo había visto hacer un rato antes. - Oh, ese es mi árbol de problemas contestó. - Sé que no puedo evitar tener problemas en el trabajo, pero una cosa es segura: los problemas no pertenecen a la casa, ni a mi esposa, ni a mis hijos. Así que simplemente los cuelgo en el árbol cada noche cuando llego a casa. Luego en la mañana los recojo otra vez. Lo divertido es -dijo sonriendo- que cuando salgo en la mañana a recogerlos, no hay tantos como los que recuerdo haber colgado la noche anterior. Volver al principio del "árbol de los problemas" Volver al principioEn todas partes cuecen habasFuenteovejuna Desde la primera publicación de "Desde la España profunda", lectores de diversas partes del Mundo nos han enviado fotos que atestiguan que "las profndidades" están más extendidas de lo que imaginamos. A partir de este número ofreceremos a los lectores muestras de ello. Desde la España profundaDesde la Italia profundaVolver al principio de "en todas partes..." Volver al principio
![]() | Postdoc in Louisiana State University |
![]() | Postdoc in Universidad Complutense de Madrid |
![]() | PhD position in Radboud University Nijmegen |
![]() | PhD position in the
Institute for Mathematics, Astrophysics and Particle Physics at the Radboud University
Nijmegen |
I am looking to hire a postdoc at LSU for Auger-related work. My group has been involved in FD calibration systems and also the Offline code maintenance and development. I am of course open to new tasks if a very talented person were to apply.
The position is available immediately. You can see the advertisement at the AAS online site:
The 31 January deadline for applications listed there has been extended. This advertisement has posted for some period of time; it has only been recently that I am able to say that priority will be given to persons interested in doing Auger.
Please bring this opportunity to the attention of any good students or recent graduates. I encourage them to apply soon.
The Auger group of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain) has opened a postdoctoral position to work on ultrahigh energy cosmic rays. The group is an official member of the Pierre Auger Collaboration deeply involved in several data analysis tasks for both the surface and the fluorescence detectors. In addition, the group is working in the precise determination of the air-fluorescence yield for the calibration of fluorescence telescopes.
Applicants must have a degree of Ph.D. in Physics at the time of recruitment. The successful candidate is expected to join the data analysis tasks of the Pierre Auger Observatory. Applicants with previous experience in the Pierre Auger experiment either as Ph.D. student or Post-doc fellow are particularly encouraged.
Candidates will be considered until the position is filled, however applications by March 1, 2008 are strongly recommended. The initial appointment will be for 1.5 years with the possibility of extension up to three years, subject to continued availability of funds. The contract includes full social security benefits.
Applicants should send a curriculum vitae and a statement of research interests, a well as arrange two letters of reference to:
Prof. Fernando Arqueros
Dept. Fisica Atomica, Molecular y Nuclear
Facultad de Ciencias Fisicas
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Madrid 28040
e-mail: arqueros@gae.ucm.es
phone: +34 913 944 681
Investigation of Anisotropies in the Arrival Directions of Cosmic Rays
At the Department of Astrophysics of the Radboud University Nijmegen a vacancy is available for a 4-year PhD position. The topic of research will be the investigation of anisotropies in the arrival directions of cosmic rays with the Pierre Auger Observatory. The Pierre Auger Observatory is the world largest air shower experiment with the goal to study the properties of highest-energy cosmic rays with unprecedented precision. Important information about the sources of the ultra-high energy particles is expected from studies of their arrival directions. The feasibility of proton/charged-particle astronomy shall be investigated by estimates of the deflection of charged particles in the galactic and extragalactic magnetic fields as function of particle energy. The arrival directions of cosmic rays will be correlated with different classes of nearby extragalactic objects. A significant correlation would be a clear hint towards the sources of the highest-energy particles in the Universe.
The monthly salary will increase from 2000 Euro in the first year to 2558 Euro in the last year.
The Department of Astrophysics at the Radboud University Nijmegen is a young and vibrant group, consisting of four faculty, five postdocs, nine PhD students and of order five to ten Master students. Research in the department is focused on compact binaries and astroparticle physics, the latter in particular with the LOFAR and Pierre Auger experiments.
Candidates for this position must have received their Master's degree in (astro)physics at the start of the PhD project. Applications can be sent to Ms. M. Nelemans, Human Resource Department, Faculty of Natural Sciences, P.O. Box 9010, 6500 GL, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, quoting vacancy no. 62.44.07. Selection of candidates will commence on February 15th, 2008.
For questions and further information on the project, please contact:
Dr. Jörg R. Hörandel, Assistant Professor for Astroparticle Physics and Astronomy,
Department of Astrophysics, Radboud University Nijmegen,
P.O. Box 9010, 6500 GL Nijmegen, The Netherlands,
tel: +31-24-3652802,
or through email j.horandel@astro.ru.nl.
The Auger group in the Institute for Mathematics, Astrophysics and Particle Physics at the Radboud university of Nijmegen is a joint effort of the astrophysics and the experimental high energy physics departments. This background provides a stimulating environment for the study of particle-astrophysics.
Our group's main ambition within Auger is the development of radio-detection of cosmic rays as a viable method to measure the highest energy cosmic rays. Our main responsability is in the front-end electronics and read-out. Furthermore, the analysis of several prototypes and test-stations is done in Nijmegen. In addition, we are starting to work on the standard Auger analysis, where our focus is on point sources. The ultimate aim is to use the expected excellent duty cycle and pointing accuracy of radio detection for research on point sources.
Within our group, we have a position available for a postdoc who will be expected to take a leading role in our work on radio-detection.
Interested candidates are invited to submit a curriculum vitae and the names of three references.
Additional information can be obtained from Charles Timmermans (c.timmermans@hef.ru.nl, tel: +31-24-3652223.)
Applications should be sent to: Dr. C. Timmermans, Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, dept exp. hef Toernooiveld 1 6525 ED Nijmegen