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Post-doctoral Research Position in Ground-based Gamma-ray Astronomy with VERITAS
McGill University
The high energy astrophysics group at McGill University is seeking applications for a post-doctoral research position in ground-based gamma-ray astronomy. We are members of the VERITAS collaboration, which operates an array of four 12-metre air-Cherenkov telescopes near Tucson, Arizona. This instrument is used to carry out observations of astrophysical sources in the energy range above 100 GeV. The McGill team comprises two faculty members, apost-doctoral research associate and four graduate students. We seek individuals with a recent PhD in particle astrophysics, experimental particle physics, or a related discipline. The position is initially for two years with an opportunity for extension. The successful candidate will be based in Montreal and will be expected to travel to Arizona periodically. Salary will be commensurate with experience. Please send a CV and arrange to have three letters of reference sent to:
Professor D. Hanna
Physics Department,
McGill University
3600 University Street Montreal,
QC, H3A 2T8, Canada
Applications will be considered until the position is filled. In accordance with Canadian immigration requirements, this advertisement is directed to Canadian citizens and permanent residents of Canada. However all qualified individuals are encouraged to apply. McGill University is committed to equity in employment.
Professor/Assistant Professor Columbia University
NonCollider Particle or Astroparticle Physics
The Columbia University Department of Physics is seeking to appoint a new faculty member in non-collider particle or astroparticle physics. The position can be filled at any rank, from tenure-eligible assistant professor to full professor with tenure. The Columbia particle physics group has a long record of forefront experimental accomplishments and currently has strong efforts in hadron collider and neutrino physics. It is expected that the candidate will develop a vigorous research program, taking a leading role in one of the premier experimental programs in the field.
The successful candidate will possess a PhD. Applicants for this position at the assistant professor level must have demonstrated the potential to do pioneering research. Applicants for this position at the tenured professor level must have a demonstrated record of outstanding research accomplishments. Candidates should also demonstrate promise for excellence in teaching and mentoring at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. All candidates should submit with their application a Curriculum Vitae (including publication list) and brief statements of their research plans and of teaching philosophy. Applicants at the junior level should arrange to have three letters of recommendation sent on their behalf. Applicants for this position at the tenured level should provide names of three persons who may be contacted for letters of reference.
Please visit our online application site at:
for further information about this position and to submit your application. In addition to submitting materials online, candidates must also send a paper copy of the application to
Faculty Search Committee,
Department of Physics,
538 West 120th St., New York,
NY 10027
and arrange for letters of reference to be uploaded in the online system and sent to the same address. Review of applications will begin on December 1, 2008 and continue until the position is filled. To ensure full consideration, complete applications should be received by that date.
Columbia University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer. Columbia is committed to a working and learning environment supportive of its faculty and staff in their pursuit of a productive and fulfilling professional and personal life.