Ofertas de trabajoBecas del Programa Científico de la OTANBOE 31 DE MARZO DE 2001. Resolución de 22 de marzo de 2001, de la Secretaría General Técnica, por la que se hace pública la convocatoria de becas del Programa Científico de la OTAN. Becas de investigación científica para Doctores españoles con una situación profesional establecida y amplia experiencia investigadora que, de acuerdo con las directrices de la OTAN, deseen realizar sus investigaciones en Estados Unidos o Canadá y para Doctores extranjeros que deseen realizar sus investigaciones en España, de los países del Este que se indican. El número de becas que pueden ser asignadas a los científicos españoles es muy reducido. Las becas convocadas serán concedidas exclusivamente en relación con las siguientes áreas de la ciencia: Tecnología de los alimentos. Tipos de becas: Becas C para Doctores españoles con una situación profesional establecida y amplia experiencia investigadora, pertenecientes a universidades u otras instituciones o centros de investigación. Duración: no superior a seis meses ni inferior a tres. Becas D.b. Para jóvenes doctores extranjeros menores de treinta y cinco años que deseen realizar investigación en un centro español, durante un período comprendido entre seis y nueve meses. Becas D.c. Para científicos o tecnólogos extranjeros de alto nivel profesional que, estando en posesión del Título de Doctor, deseen enseñar y realizar investigaciones en un centro español. Duración: no menos de tres meses y no más de nueve meses El plazo de presentación de solicitudes finaliza el día 15 de mayo de 2001. Volver al principio de la noticia Volver al principio de Ofertas de trabajo Volver al principiowill be held at the Westin Hotel, 21-27 July 2001, in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.This Symposium will bring together agricultural scientists, natural resource scientists / managers, chemists, fertilizer industry representatives, and others to disseminate information on methodology, terminology, interpretation and application of soil, plant and water analysis for the purpose of efficient resource management, sustainable production and environment protection. For further information, please visit the Symposium website Palm International Conferences Volver al principio de la noticia Volver al principioTRENDS IN NANOTECHNOLOGYTNT2001 Organised by September 3-7, 2001. SEGOVIA - SPAIN On behalf of the Organising Committee, we cordially invite you to participate in the second "Trends in NanoTechnology" (TNT2001) conference that will be held in Segovia (Spain) from September 3-7, 2001. The rapidly emerging areas of nanoscale science and technology are focussed on the design, fabrication, and characterisation of functional objects having dimensions at the nanometer length scale. New advances in this emerging area are expected to have long range implications in a wide variety of different scientific and engineering disciplines. The importance of nanoscale science is growing worldwide and it is now widely recognised as a critical component to the future growth of the world economy. For example, the U.S. National Science and Technology Council have identified this area as a major contributor to the 21st Century science and technology workforce. In response to the growing awareness of the importance of nanotechnology, several Public and Private Organizations closely related with Nanotechnology research, manufacturing or Coordination through European and National networking will organise TNT2001 conference in order to discuss the latest advances. It can be anticipated that the dynamics of interdisciplinary nanoscale research will reinforce educational connections between disciplines and give birth to new fields that are only envisioned at this moment. New types of education and training will be necessary that lead to a new generation of skilled workers having a multidisciplinary perspective necessary for rapid progress. Based on the format established at TNT2000, ample time for discussion will be available for meaningful interaction between senior researchers and graduate students. Funds will be available to offset travel expenses for graduate students to present their work in a poster session at TNT2001. The scientific program will cover a wide range spectrum of Nanotechnology research and related areas including keynote lectures, oral presentations, posters and a product/instrument exhibition. A crucial issue during a conference is time allowed to discussions between participants in order to exchange ideas and therefore possibly define strategies in order to solve real problems. During TNT2001, following each session, large breaks will be set-up in order to allow these discussions. The TNT conference should allow either Academic institutions or Industrials to present their research and foster cooperation between both. Key topics will be for example:
Moreover, companies will be able to present their products and/or analytical instruments in order to bring to the participants attention new developments in technology, methodology and instrumentation. THE ORGANISING COMMITEE Volver al principio de la noticia Volver al principio |